
Showing posts from July, 2018

The two shall become one flesh

The two, the man and the woman become "one flesh" not "one" when they both exchange their marital vows. Genesis 2:24(emphasis mine).   Yeah, I made emphasis on one flesh because I wanted us to really understand what God meant when He said the two shall become one flesh.   Now, we all know the flesh suffers a lot and also enjoys. The flesh goes through thorough discipline to be able to prevent some things.   The flesh(our physically seen body) is open to so many things, it is in this body that a lot of activities is taken place. We eat in our bodies, we go to work in our bodies...    Now imagine where the flesh undergoes these activities it becomes weak and tired, the flesh feels the effect of all it has done. The flesh responds to stimuli, it responds to touch, sound etc   Hence, when two become one flesh, they combine the effects on both bodies and they begin to share the burden.   Whatever it is, be it joy, be it sorrow, be it hurt, ...

Should your spouse be jealous and react over it?

Even GOD is a jealous GOD. Haha   Anybody and everybody is liable to be jealous. Because in every human there is this weak part that feels cheated on when an alien(so to say) invades and takes the attention.   We were made created and formed in the image of GOD, so of course if our Father is a jealous being we should also exhibit some jealousy.  Now, this is not about not having the ability to control your emotions or feelings, this is you being real, being how you were created.  Yeah, I know most people feel so overly jealous and react in the most stupid way so I would need to point out that yes, our actions can be controlled.    The Bible says we can be angry but should not allow sin. Jealousy can make you angry, so pissed off you almost can forget yourself at that time and utter wrong words or act harshly or rudely. I must confess it is not easy to contain the fact that your spouse is giving someone else the attention he gives to you and ...

You are important to GOD

Every born child of God is as important to Him as the Apple of His eyes. God saw us and considered us as the Apple of His eyes. This should give us the confidence that we mean a lot to God.   We know that the blood of Jesus made God love us more because of the blood(His only begotten son) sacrificed for our sakes.  A lot of passages in the book of Isaiah justified to us that we mean a lot to God; we are His servants, He formed us, He created us, He can never forget us. Beloved, that is a great declaration from the King of kings, then why do you think that anytime something is not going as planned that you have gone out of God's list?   God just tries to discipline us whenever He chastises us. After all, whom the father loves he chastises.   There are times we go through chastening, there are times God tries to control us by denying us of somethings. This does not mean we have gone out of His mind.  God at times uses situations to return us back...

Peace Unspeakable

Wow, there is nothing that can be compared to the peace that the Lord gives; it is priceless. GOD said the peace He gives passeth all understanding, it is not as the world gives.  A sinner can not be a partaker of this kind of peace because he is not in Christ, only those who knows GOD have a priveledge to enjoy this peace.    Peace is the antonym of war, take a quick imagination of what war was like and imagine the absence of it, then imagine the way GOD gives peace.  There are so many things around us that seem to weigh us down, these things have the ability to steal our inner peace and joy.   People do temporal things to make themselves feel better, but like I said "temporal". GOD gives a width of peace that never dries. Just like Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, that she was never going to thirst again and from within her she will experience an overflow of peace...   Be encouraged today, the troubles never last. Ask yourself how d...