The two shall become one flesh
The two, the man and the woman become "one flesh" not "one" when they both exchange their marital vows. Genesis 2:24(emphasis mine). Yeah, I made emphasis on one flesh because I wanted us to really understand what God meant when He said the two shall become one flesh. Now, we all know the flesh suffers a lot and also enjoys. The flesh goes through thorough discipline to be able to prevent some things. The flesh(our physically seen body) is open to so many things, it is in this body that a lot of activities is taken place. We eat in our bodies, we go to work in our bodies... Now imagine where the flesh undergoes these activities it becomes weak and tired, the flesh feels the effect of all it has done. The flesh responds to stimuli, it responds to touch, sound etc Hence, when two become one flesh, they combine the effects on both bodies and they begin to share the burden. Whatever it is, be it joy, be it sorrow, be it hurt, ...