The worst thing to have to deal with is pains. And the truth is we all feel it As long as we are humans in human form (phsyical flesh) We are responsive to pain. Pains adjust us mentally, they help us build our inner strength and most of the time it puts us back in the right direction. But this is if you can use pain to your advantage. For me, pains and anger (holy anger) motivates me a lot I like to call it "holy anger" because it causes me to react to my goals, ideas, dreams and to act upon them. It is not the type of anger to fight, no not that one. It is an anger to drive me to a better and logical decision It only reminds me that it's because of my present environment and incapacity I experienced such abuse that caused such pain or anger This is relative, it works for me. I get angry within my spirit, cry to myself and tell myself I need to do better. You can learn this too, you don't have to be down because of what someone said to you. I know words...