Does Love Die?

        This is a question I am still searching an answer to.

  This post is not exactly to tell you whether love dies or not but to take us on a journey of different love experiences. So pick a bottle of juice, grab a seat and read!

    Someone once said love never dies no that is no someone that was my ex. We were discussing and he said love never dies and I got wondering, how do you mean? We broke up!
Now the fact that his love did not die does not mean some people do not grow out of love. Most people do hence they get tired and give up on it.
   But let us think about this for a moment, what kind of love are we even talking about here? is it the "world's" kind of love or God's kind of love?

     I do not know about the world's kind of love but I am certain about God's kind of love; it NEVER DIES. God said the peace that He gives is not as the world gives; so we can say that the love that God gives is definitely not the type the world gives.

     I do not want to get you confused so I will try my best and make you see the difference and allow you cross the T's and dot the I's yourself.

Over the years of my experienece with boys, I mean meeting different guys and going out with them I have met just one person that has loved me genuinely and I mean loved me really for who I was. He would be there if I got crazy with the attitude, if I was being nasty and really annoying he just never left, he never said it was over but I did; ofcourse I knew that he loved me and I loved him right back trust me but I was still young and I had to reorganize my plans and think about what I really wanted in life, so we finally broke up, I ended things myself and the relationship was going to be 4 years the year I broke up.

I can boldly say I met a man who loved me for real and was ready to take it far. Now this guy in question isn't exactly a God person (note: I gave my life to Christ the year we broke up) but his love was real it was like the God kinda love that never gives up.

  I think 1Corinthians 13 really opens our understanding of what love is and what it should be (what we should practice), and for me that is really enough to run a succesful relationship and marriage.

  After I left my boyfriend I met guys that didnt exactly love me the way I was once loved and I tell you I craved for my ex, I wanted him back badly but I knew I also left him for a reason I was so sure about (I need to let you know here, that love is not all you need to hold a successful relationship; check my previous posts to know more).

  Let us now list the characrteristics of God's type of love, the divine love of God;

   1Corinthians 13:4-8:

4. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up
5. does not behave rudely, does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil
6. does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things
8. love never fails...

  Wow, who else loves what I am seeing? listed above are the characteristics of God's kind of love; if these is what it entails what else i'm I looking for? in here is everything I need to know to keep a relationship, at least the love aspect. So if you ask me again if love dies I will show this scripture to you and reply you with a NO, it doesn't, if it does it means it was never love.

    I love the last part that said LOVE NEVER FAILS, this is equal to saying LOVE NEVER DIES; well we will definitely talk more about this some other time as it is a topic on its own.

 So ladies and gentlemen, love does not die, it does not fail, it never gives up even when it's tired, you know when they say we die here, that is what it means; Love means I am not going anywhere, it is you and I together in this thing.

    So ask yourself are you loving enough or is your partner loving enough? because if those characteristics of God''s love are missing then that thing you guys call love is about to die.

Well as usual I wish you goodluck in your relationship.



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