
Showing posts from June, 2018

Get outta depression

Depression is never a solution for solving any problem.   This a lot of people know but find themselves still in the shell of depression. It is obvious they are yet to control how situations get to them.  Now, we have to understand that as long as we are still alive, there must be challenges faced on a daily basis. A man without challenges or problems cannot grow. Everyone faces challenges!  There is a reason why we face challenges but it was never meant to weigh us down and take us to the point of depression which can also lead to committing suicide.   This has been faced by a lot of persons. The worst is that, they refuse to talk to anyone about it.  Firstly, the one person that can heal every broken heart, is the Lord Almighty. Go to Him. God expects man to be totally dependent on Him. He uses situations to draw us closer to Him because we should know that He has the answer to whatsoever it might be that troubles us. I always emphasize that...

Understanding is very Important

      I don't think we know how powerful understanding is and the extent of what it does. Many relationships have ended because of lack of understanding.   It takes grace, I must confess to try and understand any situation. However, I also emphasize on patience, if you lack patience you will fail to understand.  Many of us want to react whenever some thing pisses us off. We are quick to make a decision without thinking from the other person's view. Yes, relationship is hardwork because you have to take lots of excuse, pain. A lot of people react out of what they heard or even saw. Nobody likes complain, and when it comes to a relationship especially when there are no knots tied yet, you do not feel obliged to report to anybody.  The problem is not for one person to solve, the two people involved have to work together to bring a good result.     Even the Bible says that two cannot walk together unless they agree. You can...

When GOD is involved

    A lot of times, we want to do things on our own, by ourselves, with our own power and understanding. We think we can do some things by ourselves without involving GOD.  GOD has always been in the business of showing who He is, His power, He did not fail to let pharoah know who the boss was, neither did He fail to let Ahab know who was in charge.  GOD purposely allows some things happen in our lives just to prove and show His power, you know He deserves accolades. He wants to prove to you that what has been declared impossible is over again possible (with Him).     It is spiritually wrong for you to look down on GOD and His ability to deliver.  Just because most people feel everything is under control they end up failing and not achieving anything.  We have failed to understand that without GOD man is a complete dust, if GOD decides to blink His eyes this moment, the whole world will be under darkness, and death.   ...

Please add value to my life

A man who has nothing to offer is a man who is not needed!  - Wulika   There should always be something that distinguishes you out from any other person, something that can not be found in the other person. Value is priceless. A man with value is respected and desired. And of course you can not give me what you do not have.  There are so many people who have nothing to give because they have nothing inside of them. And this is not because they do not really have something inside but it is because they have not worked on what they have to refine it and make it attractive. It is wrong to be involved in a relationship of no gain. I am not talking of the monetary gain, I am talking about wisdom, a gain that is far more needed, more appreciated. Although a lot of people will still go for money because they feel it's instant but before the wealth of wisdom comes, could take time. No matter the time it comes, when it comes it comes with a bang. A man that can...

His mercies are new every morning

God is a wonderful Man. So kind and gracious, merciful even unto the worst sinner. There is no need to condemn yourself when GOD has not.  In Matthew Jesus asked the adulterous woman, "where are your accusers?" and she replied that they had all gone. Jesus told her, since they did not condemn her, He would not condemn her.    That is mercy, mercy is what we as man do not deserve but we get from the loving Father.  Like I say, GOD is not a wicked Man. He only waits for every one to come to Him.  Jesus said when we sin we have an advocate with the Father who pleads our case before GOD, standing as an intercessor on our behalf.  Jesus is the advocate. Jesus is the one that can plead your case to GOD. The devil always tries to make us feel guilty with the wrongs we made, yes his accusations are true but Jesus said I will stand as an advocate on your behalf. The greatest love that was tested and approved is the love GOD had and has for humanit...

Pride goes before a fall 2

Hmmm, if you think there is anyway you can keep pride in you and succeed, then you are mistaking.   Pride goes before a fall. A lot of persons find it very difficult to be subject to someone else, they find it difficult to be the one apologizing and making things work out. They just feel, it is not in my place to take the first step.  If you lack humility in your relationship and marriage, you will be having a lot of avoidable problems.   In case you have forgotten no human is perfect and it takes a degree of tolerance to be able to cope with them. There should be absolutely no problem in telling our spouse sorry, that can destroy the anger and rage that already exists.  Arguments just lead to more, when you think you let yourself down by keeping quiet and not responding to some certain things you do not know what you have avoided.  In marriage, you should be ready to swallow a lot just so you can live in peace with your spouse. There are ce...

Pride goes before a fall 1

    Okay, let me think! The saying: pride goes before a fall, does this mean we should bring ourselves so low and be stepped on?  Yeah, I am right that is what you are probably thinking. Pride is totally different from high self esteem.  Pride is when you are too big to do what the "ordinary" does. That is not high self esteem, that is a feeling of, hey! I can't do this because I am too big to do it.   Probably, it is; I am too big to say sorry or I am too big to sweep the ground or I am too big to run that errand.  And this is the attitude a lot of people, both male and female carry into a relationship and then into marriage. Once you ever feel too big to say sorry to your spouse just get ready to always have unnecessary issues, quarrels, insults and then violence.   A relationship that wants to work out does not lack the ability of saying sorry.  The word sorry is so powerful. Able to prevent what could be a tragedy. Just a si...

Worry can't help me

 The truth is that most times we all think that worry is the easiest way to bring solution to any thing well, it is the easiest way to kill a man.   A lot of people can not help but to worry, well it may seem easy but not helpful to the health.  Even JESUS asked us not to worry in the book of Matthew 6:25-27 because He knows that there is no gain, no solution, no change when you begin to worry.   My dear, it is the enemy's plan to see you sit down and think about your life, this has led many people into committing suicide.   Many people think there is no way out because many of the times they try to help themselves by themselves without allowing GOD help them out.  JESUS said all that labor should come to Him and give Him their burden and yoke.  There would be an exchange of burden, you take JESUS' and He takes yours of which you know that JESUS has no worries whatsoever.   Worrying leads to depression and depression to death. JES...

Do not hate Patience

   Hey, yeah you. Do not hate Patience!    If only people will take a chill pill and just be patient, the world will stop wasting emotions and time on unnecessary arguments.   Impatience never allows you understand a situation, it denies you of an explanation to understand what is going on. And the lack of this very precious virtue has made people lose precious things.  Nobody likes an impatient spouse, they want someone that will be calm to listen to what they have to say. It hurts when someone misinterprets a situation because most of the time it is far from what they understand and they say some things that really hurt and are unpleasant, that automatically brings tension in the relationship.  Apostle Paul did know what he was saying when he listed Patience as a fruit of the spirit. If you do not have patience you would miss what you have in store for you. Very few persons have Patience, not like I blame the rest, not like anyone is perfec...

My emotions your priority

  Have you ever been involved in a relationship and it just looks like this guy does not just care?  Well, if you have welcome on board. This is for the ladies; some men are not sensitive, not sensitive to change in voice, not sensitive to change in mood, not sensitive to change in expression, they do not understand when everything is not right.  Well, I would advise you do not blame them, although sometimes they try to be sensitive but they just get it all wrong.  The way you express your emotion towards a particular thing is definitely different from the next person behind you, everybody is different. With different ways of understanding and assimilation, people tend to react differently to situations based on their own perception.    I always encourage compatibility because then you just get the person, lol.  Although most men try to hide their concern about your feeling but trust me they really are concerned, they just try to avoid the...

Passing through the Red Sea

How scary it would have been in the days of Moses when he was left to lead the Israelites through to the Promised Land, with such responsibility, Moses knew he had to depend on only one person, GOD. At that moment no one could deliver them and Moses cried out to GOD, and they were delivered. Their enemies passed through that same sea and drowned, this rings something in our heart. GOD will always deliver His own. A friend of GOD is sure that GOD will always fight for him no matter how hard the situation is. GOD proved this when the waters stood still for the Israelites to pass through and made that same water open up and swallow their enemies. When you are right with GOD, the things created by GOD obeys you, if they obey GOD, they will obey you because for as many that believe He gave them power to become the sons of GOD, do not fret. Red sea is a boundary, a limitation that brings fear and stops you from crossing over to the other side, a lot of people drown in the red se...

When you find the right one

Sometimes we get into a relationship and it feels like hell on earth, now this does not necessarily mean that there are quarrels or domestic violence, no!  Hell can be described as a place of discomfort, a state of discomfort, torture. No one loves discomfort, we all want to live a comfortable life, enjoy our lives, enjoy our relationship, enjoy our marriage. Like a man said After hell fire, a bad marriage is the worst thing that can happen, why because you can not come out, so instead of entering a marriage that will suck out strength from you and drain you emotionally, figure out what you want. Some relationships lack comfort; comfort means ease. Some relationships lack ease, now there might be love but no compatibility; which is a very big ingredient to a sound relationship. There might be no strong love in some relationships but compatibility has made them grow fond of each other and it is easy to love each other. It is like a safe haven. When you find the right ...