Worry can't help me

 The truth is that most times we all think that worry is the easiest way to bring solution to any thing well, it is the easiest way to kill a man.

  A lot of people can not help but to worry, well it may seem easy but not helpful to the health.

 Even JESUS asked us not to worry in the book of Matthew 6:25-27 because He knows that there is no gain, no solution, no change when you begin to worry.

  My dear, it is the enemy's plan to see you sit down and think about your life, this has led many people into committing suicide.

  Many people think there is no way out because many of the times they try to help themselves by themselves without allowing GOD help them out.

 JESUS said all that labor should come to Him and give Him their burden and yoke.

 There would be an exchange of burden, you take JESUS' and He takes yours of which you know that JESUS has no worries whatsoever.

  Worrying leads to depression and depression to death. JESUS did know what He was saying when He advised man.

 There is a better way out of every and any situation that has caged you and made you feel GOD does not love you.

 JESUS is calling out to you to give Him all that bothers you.

 The solution is in JESUS only Him can deliver you from whatsoever that troubles you and steals rest from you.

  Come to JESUS and lay it all at His feet and see your life turn around for good.


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