You need to be my Muse


               Look before you leap!

   Yeah, I know you are wondering what Wulika means by you should look before you leap.

  I mean you should watch out before you lose it all.

  Just like you will be advised before venturing into a new business; to do your feasibility study on your market to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

  It is the same thing when venturing into a new relationship, you need to understand a lot of things to avoid mistakes.

 And you cannot deny that there needs to be Compatibility factors between you both, these are the things that you need to look out for before saying Yes!

  You should find things that connects the both of you it makes it easier to love. We can't have a wide difference in interests and expect the relationship to last.

  And a lot of people deceive themselves by trying to be into what their partners love just to let their partners know that they also have like interests, this is hard work because you are trying to train yourself to love something entirely out of your niche. 

And most of the time these efforts are not even appreciated.

If you are not interested in what makes me happy and my passion it means you are not even interested in what makes me Me. Your purpose is found in your passion hence dragging someone who doesn't just get it can cause pain in your heart.

  Alright I will mention few factors that should exist in a relationship that is meant to last.

 1. Conversation
Truthfully speaking some people are really quiet and never know how to initiate a conversation. They love laughing at other people's jokes but they do not know how to create one. They rather be entertained and not entertain. Although it is good your partner initiates a conversation but it is not always good let there be a balance. 
  Learn to initiate and maintain a conversation.

2. Relaxation

 What I might do to cool off from a busy schedule might be entirely different from what you might do. Now if this is capable of bringing an issue up then make sure you find someone who enjoys at least 60% of the same things you enjoy.  Some people use movies to cool off others use a nice time at the pool or at the beach to cool off. 
  The time we spend together creates a bond and it is essential to spend it where you both love and what you love doing together.

3. Ambition

  What are your goals together?
Do they alienate? Now you definitely do not have to share the same ambition or career or be in the same field of career but there should be a common goal. Like in your choice of career where do you see yourself in the next 5 years does it make sense with your partner, what is your partner's place in the next 5 years. Is there a place for your partner? You know these are the things you need to consider so you do not LEAP.


  You need to have equal respect for each other. No one is little and valueless. Once you respect your partner you respect what you both have and are careful of what you say and what you do.

5. Passion

What you love you have passion for and what you have passion for you love.

Love what you both share, adore it and like I said earlier respect it. You entered into a relationship for a purpose, learn to love your relationship with passion, take it seriously and stop playing games.
 If you do not love someone do not start a thing, these are things that makes people end a relationship without respecting the others person's feelings.

   And well yeah, most importantly

6.  Philosophy 

You do not really need to share the same views on unnecessary things like politics, entertainment...
 But ensure you do have almost similar views about life like your belief.

 It is important you share the same belief. 
Like do you believe in God or ?, Do you trust in the God of miracles? You know what really connects you both spiritual, this is the first and the most basic foundation to lay.

   Now these things do not assure you of a fairy tale end you know seeing yourself on the aisle with him or her but it does ensure a long lasting relationship that is capable of taking you to that fairy tale; I mean things just get easy for you both.

   I wish you good luck as you keep finding love. 


  1. This is wonderful. Nice message

  2. All of those things might still be there and it will still end in tears.... However you do make a strong point about passion, respect and philosophy... you're doing well my freaky freaky.... Do another piece soon and more often before I bite your nose 😉 oin

  3. This is beautiful. Keep it up Babes


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