FOR ALL I'VE SINNED AND COME                                      SHORT...

    All I've sinned, every single one of us; we have sinned. Nice, so if the Bible says we have at one point or the other sinned know it means WE have SINNED, no exception.

  We quite often forget that GOD sent a Man, His son who at an early age knew what His mission on earth was and did not turn back even when it got overwhelming, He did not run off to say Father I am no longer interested in this deal. Isn't there another way?

   Wait! You think there could not be another way? There could be after all it's GOD we are talking about here but there is a law: it's the blood that takes away sins and there had to be something eternal which other generations had to benefit from when they are born because Jesus could not keep dying every now and then; so He died for us once and for all.

    Our sins never made "Them" change Their mind.
 They had no reconsideration, it was Love, genuine pure love; He so loved the world...

  You need to realize that there is a love that the Trinity has for you, that makes each of Them cooperate to help you.

No man deserves the love, we are not deserving of God's love but yet He still let's rain fall on both the good and the evil.

  Each day we should rise and sing songs of Praise unto God, He won the victory for your sake so that you will no longer be a prey to the devil, what the devil does he makes you lose understanding of the hope and the freedom you have in CHRIST.

 Appreciate GOD each day because He loves you unconditionally; you do not have to be perfect for Him to love you. What you do does not determine how much He is going to love you.

  Remember this; God chooses to love whomever He chooses to love and He loves us all.


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