If It Fails then it wasn't Love

    Yup,  you heard this here; if it fails then it was NEVER love.

I personally do not think that any situation should be capable of tearing two people apart, do you know what Love Is? So many people do not know what it really is.

 Love is beyond saying the words it is deeper than that, Love is a bond, Love is a tie, Love cannot be broken.

 I know there are so many relationships around us that have broken and even the ones we got involved in, if it is easy for two people to part ways without any emotional pain that is an obvious sign that There was NEVER love.

 I hear things like "falling out of love", is there really a thing like that? Is anyone every supposed to fall out of love? Well the answer is NO.

  I have a lot of questions on my mind to ask because this topic is quite an interesting one but I think I will pass.

But really why will anyone that said he was in love fall out of love? You cannot love someone and stop loving them and this is the problem with our generation.  Love is overrated. People no longer understand what Love Is, the power behind it, the depth the tests and the sacrifices that come with loving a fellow human.

The Bible asks a question; what can separate us from the Love of God? And it said nothing absolutely nothing.

Even if you are the worst of persons that cannot separate you from God. This is the kind of love we ought to put on, it is obvious many of us do not have a love like this but we have the world's kind of love that fails, that is not real. That type of love never end well, that type of love can fail at anytime.

   And that is why we see a lot of people with a broken heart, hurt and pierced deeply in the soul.

No one is supposed to walk out on you so easily if they say they love you, it is only love that can make a shepherd run after one lost sheep.

I think basically we meed to sit down and think, do I really have love? And if yes what kind? And to whom do you show this love to?
True love is shown to everyone that comes around you.

So love truly, Love deeply, Love without regrets, Love patiently, Love and do not mistake Lust for Love.

     I wish you success in your relationship.


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