5 Tips On How To Heal From A Painful Past


It is definitely not easy to walk through a breakup successfully but it is very possible.

Have you being asking yourself questions on how you got yourself so used and fooled by someone you loved so much?

...why the amount of love you gave wasn't enough to satisfy them?

Why did they dump You?

Well, it is time for you to stop beating yourself too hard, because no matter how much you do that it cannot change what has been done!

The more you dwell on the hurt in your past, the more you are liable to more pains. 

Your heart will only just get more pained and broken.

I went through my first heart break in 2016, boy I don't want to experience that ever again, trust me.

I got depressed for 2 years and didn't know how to help myself out.

This person was so dear to my heart that even in his lies I stuck with him. I gave him my all, my heart, my time, my attention, everything!

Everything a woman in love can give to a man.

But at the end, he broke up without any good reason and I was left to wonder.

...to wonder what exactly I did wrong, and that is what is more heart breaking.

Not knowing what exactly you did wrong that got them pissed off.

And for no reason they just decided to wake up and walk out of your life.

Well, truth be told such people never deserved to be in your life in the first place!

Well, today isn't about me it's all about you because for you to be reading this right now it means you are going through a hard time.

And you know you want this moment to be over, you want to let the past go already.

And your heart cries, even as mine did years ago.

To make that happen, 

Here are 5 Tips that worked for me when I went through the most destructive kind of heart break of my life, lol.

Let's dive in!


 Stop lying to yourself that it didn't happen, it did happen. They walked out of your life.

It is a reality, so acknowledge that and move on.

2. ALLOW yourself BREAK DOWN

  In as much as you're trying to act like you are not hurt, you are actually hurt and hurting.

So it is okay to cry, to really feel the pain and just let those tears come down once and for all.

You are human and you have been created to feel happiness, pain, joy, sadness whatever kind of emotion.

And we express every one of this emotion so it is okay to break down.


If they hurt you so bad, the first thing you ought to do is to break off communication from them.

...this will help you heal faster.

The more you are stuck up with their life, still following them on social media that's definitely not a way to heal faster.

Pretend they no longer exist, yeah you can train your mind to do that.

Easy peasy


Hey you, socialize. Why you making yourself feel less of who you are.

Just as there are lots of opportunities in the world, there are lots of people waiting to meet someone as beautiful as you.

There are people waiting to love you the right way.

Learn to socialize again, do not give up on yourself because some one you loved did. 


Yeah and we are down to the last. FORGIVE them. 

That's one major way you can move on by forgiving them and letting it go.

After all other people hurt you and you forgive them, this shouldn't be different.

I know you can do it, I believe in you.

You are amazing and one day you are going to meet that person who won't HURT you but will understand and love you just the way you deserve.


Understand that no one controls how you think, not man not the devil and not even God Himself. 

We have got control of our own mind, so use that tool against what you're feeling right now and FIGHT!

We at wulikascorner are here to help you and walk you through it. 


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